
Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students (except those in the Bachelor of Arts Completion Program) in academic good standing who have been withdrawn from the University for one or more quarters (excluding summer session) but less than five calendar years may request to re-enroll by contacting the Registrar's Office at 303-871-4095. Official transcripts of any college-level study completed elsewhere should be submitted to the Registrar's Office.

Undergraduate students who have been withdrawn from the University for more than five calendar years must reapply for admission.

Bachelor of Arts Completion Program students should contact the College of Professional Studies registration office at 303-871-2291 for re-entry information.

Graduate Students

Graduate students in the following programs should contact the Office of Graduate Education at 303-871-2706 or for re-entry information.

  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Daniel Felix Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Daniels College of Business
  • Josef Korbel School of International Studies
  • Graduate School of Professional Psychology
  • Ritchie School of Engineering Graduate Students

Graduate students in the following programs should contact their program's registration office for re-entry information.

  • Sturm College of Law
  • Graduate Tax Program
  • Graduate School of Social Work
  • College of Professional Studies